Thursday, April 12, 2007

This dance aint so great

Third Post. Think I've been bitten by the indite bug, mostly because I don't have anything positive to say.

I went to a wedding this last weekend, and had the unfortunate experience of being surrounded by mostly couples and these two single guys I went to school with. So, when the slow songs played - and there seemed to be a lot of them - I found myself sitting at the table alone. It was really, really uncomfortable.

I wasn't sure what to do with myself, so every time the tempo slowed, I excused myself to the bathroom to stare at walls. As humans I have decided that we complicate moments. Hardly anything happens without the mind spinning it up into an elaborate production. It’s the elaboration that makes life more difficult than it needs to be. Come to think of it, I spent a lot of time in the bathroom at this wedding. The other wedding guests must think I have an overactive bladder or a serious coke problem.

I can't remember ever feeling so fucking awkward in my life.

Maybe as a really young teenager. But not as an adult.

I may hire a date for the next wedding I have to attend.

Typing that actually made me sad.


Anonymous said...

if you would only open your eyes and look beyond the dance floor.

Bourbon Legend said...

True. Touche

Anonymous said...

Long thought the man had it easy with women. This is quite a surprise!

Bourbon Legend said...

and to think you thought long about that... sheesh.

had it easy with women... sigh.

(poor moe shakes shaggy head)

Anonymous said...
